'More Than One' - Coming 21/09/2018!

On the 21st of September 2018, I will be releasing "More Than One".
This song was written years ago, during a season in my life when I personally recognised so much hatred, social injustice and ignorance taking place in the world around me, which caused me to reflect on the long history of pain and struggle that has gone on before me.
I was inspired to release this piece, after a troubling year witnessing many of the windrush generation (of which my Grandparents and parents were a part of) suffering at the hands of the British Government’s migration policy. It’s deeply saddening to know that the country I live in today, was rebuilt partly upon the efforts of my family and forefathers, and yet those very individuals are no longer seen as ‘valid' or ‘welcome' all these years later.
We cannot ever deny that countless lives are deeply affected by decisions made by people in high places. In a world where headlines come thick and fast, and 'likeable superstars' are the main attraction on the day, many of the heroes that fought for equality, stood in the gap and instigated positive change are often forgotten about,
I will be personally sending this song out far and wide, to salute everyone who has contributed in a big or small way to the man I am today, and to remember those who will never get mentioned in the mainstream media or history books.
'Though we know not some, there were many more than one', and that may also include you reading this post right now, so a massive THANK YOU!
To be one of the first people to hear the new song, please subscribe to my mailing list by clicking here.
Love and Peace.